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Subject Item No. Title Author Source Date Notes
Antislavery Movement 1 Petition to the House of Representatives of the United States [women of Wayland petitioning against slavery] Copied from The Adams Papers, Letters received, Reel #507 September 1837 See also Child, Lydia Maria, abolitionist (Cage Hollinger Collection)
Archaeology 1 Indian site survey opens window to town’s past Catherine Shea Town Crier September 1981 Also in Indian file
2 Rape of Wayland D.S. Byers American Antiqity January, 1960, p.420
3 Unusual Notched Pendant Tonya Largy Bulletin of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society October, 1985, vol 46, no. 2
Authors & Artists 1 Danforth exhibit: Haley’s drawing won’t be lost in crowd Andrea Haynes (Andrew Haley) Town Crier September 25, 1980 2 copies
Barker Foundation 1 Press release for Library Notes Column Louise Brown Library release March 23, 1982
Banks 1 From the back room into community life: West Newton Savings Bank 1887-1987 Paperback book, 76 pgs.
Bibliographies – Local History 1 Local history in the eastern region: a list of materials in member libraries Eastern Massachusetts Regional Library System 1977
2 Local historical material held by the Wayland Public Library Wayland Public Library
3 Bibliography of Materials and Topics for a study of Wayland Prepared by Robert Wight Wayland Public Library
4 Wayland Bicentennial Home Days: list of tour sites and exhibits Wayland Center Wayland Public Library June 19 and 20, 1976
5 Wayland Historical Tours – Bibliography Prepared by Barbara Robinson Wayland Public Library 1976
6 Publications of the New England Historic Genealogical Society Genealogical Society Publications
Bicentennial 1 Wayland’s 200th birthday (1980) Wayland Public Library
2 Wayland Bicentennial Home Days: list of tour sites and exhibits Wayland Center Wayland Public Library June 19 and 20, 1976 Also in Bibliographies
3 Wayland Bicentennial background Wayland Public Library 2 copies
4 Experience Revolutionary Massachusetts Along the Knox Trail. Knox trail activities. Knox Trail Historical Society
5 Bicentennial commission Memorandum to all interested in the Knox Trail Commonwealth of Massachusetts Bicentennial Commission
6 Letter from Town of Wayland regarding weekend activities for April 19, 1975 Wayland Public Library
Boston Water System 1 Lake Cochituate Justin Winsor The Memorial History of Boston, vol. III, pp. 280-281. Boston: Osgood. 1881
2 Lake Cochituate The Memorial History of Boston, vol. III, pp. 250-252.
3 Cochituate – Cochichewick Gazeteer definitions of Cochituate, p. 112.
4 Lake Cochituate. Letter – Office of the Cochituate Water Board to Mr. Brent. Historical Society files December 10, 1858 Photocopy
5 Lake Cochituate. Notice to the Town Clerk of Wayland. Clerk of Senate of Massachusetts Historical Society files July 16, 1846
6 Lake Cochituate. Boston’s celebration for water recalled. Boston Evening Transcript October 22, 1938
7 Lake Cochituate. The Nineteenth Century. M.A. DeWolfe Howe Boston Common: Scenes from four centuries. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1921
8 Quabbin Reservoir. Florentine films presents “The Old Quabbin Valley.” Massachusetts Foundation for Humanities and Public Policy and the New England Regional Commission Review of the film contents
9 Lake Cochituate. Water Celebration, hymn and prayer program of exercises. James Russell Lowell Boston October 25, 1848 Exercises at the fountain.Poem. Photocopy. No source. 2 copies.
10 Lake Cochituate. The ground was first broken for the aqueduct at Long Pond. History of the introduction of pure water into the city of Boston, p. 65. Bradlee, NJ. August 20, 1846 And on that day the name was changed from Long Pond to Lake Cochituate, its original Indian appellation. Article and maps. Town Engineering Office has copy, Heard House had original.
11 Lake Cochituate. Imported Water and Drowned Valleys. John Sheafer & Leonard Stevens Future water, pp. 23-25. Morrow. 1983
Bridges 1 Stone Bridge. A children’s story about Stone’s Bridge. Wayland Historical Society February 1959
2 Old Town Bridge Picture. Missing.
3 Stone Bridge. Exhibits for Helen Emery’s report on Stone’s Bridge. February 1976 Literary data supporting. Multiple sources.
4 Stone Bridge John McLann September 12, 1954 Picture
5 Stone Bridge. Hearing on Old Stone Bridge at Riverview. No source November 8, 1955 Held in Selectmen’s Office
6 Stone Bridge. Town Meeting must act before construction starts. Framingham (?) news article Tuesday, 61st Year, vol. 121, No. 3 Stone Bridge reconstruction after Hurricane Diane 1955
7 Stone Bridge. Determined Bid to Save Historic Stone Bridge. Framingham News November 12, 1955
8 Stone Bridge. Letters re: Stone Bridge Reconstruction from Wayland Historical Society. Boston Herald November 16, 1955 From Hilda Emerton, Historical Society. November 17, 1955.
9 Stone Bridge. Stone’s Bridge Across Sudbury River is Oldest. Fantoemas Framingham News May 16, 1956 Wayland action on new bridge would replace stone structure at Riverview. Framingham News, April 3, 1956.
10 Stone Bridge. New bridge is being built and famous old landmark is saved. Framingham newspaper October 31, 1957
11 Stone Bridge. Wayland Stone’s Bridge rampant with weeds. Framingham News August 22, 1966
12 Stone Bridge. Stone’s Bridge in stone an attempt to document the building of the 4-arched stone bridge. Helen Emery Wayland Historical Commission February 1976 2 copies
13 Stone Bridge. Final conclusion on the date of Stone’s Bridge. Helen Emery Wayland Historical Commission June 11, 1979
14 Stone Bridge. Stone Bridge bill is up for action. Town Crier July 5, 1956
15 Town Bridge. National Register of Historic Places Inventory, Nomination Form. U.S. Department of Interior National Park Service May 2, 1975
16 Town Bridge. References to four-arch bridge on causeway from Wayland to Sudbury in Wayland Town Record. Wayland Town Clerk’s record, vol. 11. 1811-1855
17 Town Bridge. Letter to Robert M. Morgan, Wayland Finance Committee re: Old Town Bridge on Old Sudbury Road. Catherine Dik, Wayland Historical Society Finance Commission February 25, 1957
18 Town Bridge. Old Town Bridge: present and original physical appearance. Town Crier April 1976
19 Stone Bridge. County Commissioners told about John Stone’s Old Bridge. Town Crier November 24, 1955
20 The Artillery Train in Framingham Framingham Public Library February 28, 1974
21 Stone Bridge. Stone’s Bridge in stone. Helen Emery 1976 With all appendices. See 12 above.
Cage 1 Family fund benefits Wayland Library West Metro News February 1979
Cakebread Mill 1 The Memorial Congregational Church presents the Vokes Players in “The Cakebread Mill” and the Memorial Players in “In the days of 1650” Sudbury Town House July 1, 1939 Playbill. Historical plays.
2 Our Mill Pond Park: Its past and future Howard Russell Park article
3 The living past: Thomas Cakebread…and his mill Howard S. Russell December 8, 19__ Article (?)
4 Vokes Players give striking performance of contest play Waltham News-Tribune, p. 8 n.d.
5 Sudbury makes little suffice for tercentenary celebration News article Play
6 Vokes Players present historic play at Sudbury tercentenary Weston News Revue July 14, 1939
7 The Cakebread Mill Vokes Players June 29, 1939 Script
8 The Mill of Thomas Cakebread Margret Bent Morrell Wayland Historical Society March 5, 1956 Paper delivered. 2 copies.
Cemeteries* 1 Memorial Day Address William L. Raymond May 30, 1922 Pamphlet
2 Gravestones – Weston Town Crier December 17, 1981 Missing
3 Site of the First Town Center at the Old North Cemetery Wayland Historical Society September 1963 Describes types of gravestones in cemetery
4 List of Veterans buried at South or Centre Cemetery
5 List of Veterans buried at North Cemetery
6 List of Veterans buried at Lakeview Cemetery
7 List of Veterans buried at St. Zepherin’s Cemetery
8 Biographical sketch of veterans buried in the North Cemetery Palmer D. True April 19, 1975
9 Dedications on gravestones (285). Cemetery (?).
10 Gravestones are gateway to past (Weston) Town Crier December 12, 1981 Photos included
*See also Civil War file
Census 1 Directories available at the Massachusetts State House Library February 1988
2 1855 and 1865 Massachusetts State Censuses for Wayland Compiled by Ann S. Lainhart Boston 1989
Churches I 1 Trinitarian Congregational Church announces building plans Town Crier June 12, 1980
2 Letter – James Draper to Mrs. Heard, Librarian re: Meeting House timbers Wayland Public Library
3 Unitarian Church. Bill for organ. WPA Transcript of document now owned by Historical Society December 28, 1831 Also an estimate of the cost of new town house, October 10, 1841.
4 St. Ann’s Catholic. Lay St. Ann’s cornerstone. Newspaper article (?) n.d.
5 East Sudbury Meetinghouse. Drawing of Sudbury’s East Meetinghouse, completed in 1726 and used until 1815. Drawing by Rita Anderson 1981
6 East Sudbury Meetinghouse. Historical sketches describing the East Sudbury Meetinghouses. Sketches by J.S. Draper Photocopy (?)
7 Proposal to Churches in Sudbury WPA Transcript of original now owned by Historical Society December 30, 1834
8 St. Ann’s Catholic Church. History for 4th program of Wayland Historical Society. Prepared by Mrs. Everett March 15, 1955
9 Community Methodist Church. History for 4th program of Wayland Historical Society. Prepared by Miss Joan Brown March 15, 1955
10 Trinitarian Congregational Church. History for 4th program of Wayland Historical Society. Prepared by Mrs. J. Fred Wheeler March 15, 1955
11 St. Zepherin’s Catholic Church. History for 4th program of Wayland Histroical Society. Prepared by Mrs. Wm. J. Hall March 15, 1955
12 Trinitarian and Unitarian. Secession of the Trinitarians from the First Parish in 1828. A.W. Cutting 2 copies
13 Unitarian Church. Reminiscenses of John B. Wight. Sermons preached in and about Wayland, 1772-1876 December 21, 1875 Copied by Mrs. L.M. Child
14 Unitarian Church. A graveside memorial service for Lydia Maria Child, Old North Cemetery, Wayland, MA. Rev. Kenneth W. Sawyer, First Parish in Wayland October 18, 1980
15 Unitarian Church. A historical study of the meeting house of the First Parish Church, Wayland, MA. 1954
16 Series of historical papers on Wayland Published by Mr. James S. Draper Waltham Free Press Various dates Original in form of clippings pasted in notebook
17 Town Clerk’s Records – Town Meeting records, Town of East Sudbury. Articles on church built in 1815. Wayland Historical Society
18 East Sudbury Meeting House. Bill for building meeting house. Wayland Historical Society 1814
19 Bill for church Wayland Historical Society 1823
20 Story about the early meeting-houses Les Hall Newspaper WFP, Wayland Historical Society
21 More about meeting-houses Les Hall Newspaper WFP, Wayland Historical Society
22 When ministers were more than preachers Newspaper WFP, Wayland Historical Society
23 Brother Haynes, he did object Wayland Historical Society
24 Trinitarian Congregational. Congos to celebrate 125th birthday. Wayland Historical Society
25 Of church bells, the dearly departed and ancient epitaphs (Sudbury) Wayland Historical Society
26 Trinitarian Church. Wayland church breaks ground for $75,000 wing. Wayland Historical Society News article
27 Unitarian. The living past. A goodly heritage – Wayland’s historic past. Howard S. Russell Historical Society January 19, 1961
28 Unitarian. The living past. A tale of two bells. Howard S. Russell Historical Society
29 A 1660 Sunday in the meetin-house Les Hall Historical Society
30 A 1660 Sunday in the meetin-house, part II Les Hall Historical Society
31 Pilgrims, puritans and young pioneers Wayland Historical Society
32 Formation of the methodist church Wayland Historical Society
33 Missing 5.21.90
34 A history of the first three meeting houses in Wayland Robert H. Scotland Wayland Historical Society October 1959
35 Unitarian. Banquet closes tercentenary of Wayland’s First Church. Wayland Historical Society
36 Unitarian. Wayland First Parish Church 300 years old. Wayland Historical Society
37 Unitarian. Wayland First Parish Church votes its 300th anniversary. Wayland Historical Society
38 The church-split in the Old First Parish Wayland Historical Society
39 Unitarian. Our Old Church. Miss Mary Adams Heard Thursday, October 7, 1920 Read before the Wayland Branch Alliance
40 The early meeting-houses and churches of Wayland and their ministers 1640-1812 Susan Mohl, student April 6, 1961
41 Growing up in Wayland in the early 1900s, written for the First Parish Sunday School Emily Whitney Blair April 1973
Churches II 1 Unitarian. The First Parish Wayland, Massachusetts 1640-1940: The tercentenary program and an address by William Lee Raymond.
2 Unitarian. The First Parish Church of Wayland, Massachusetts Built 1814-1815. Susan Schearer Blake Paper for architecture course, Harvard University August 11, 1975
3 Anecdote re: Christmas carol of Edmund Sears Heard House Missing
4 Unitarian. Letter from E.H. Sears to Sunday School re: Christmas. Unitarian Church 1875 Contains verses of song to be sung at Christmas. Photocopy.
5 Unitarian. Churches unite in First Parish Tercentenary. News article, Wayland Chronicle January 19, 1940 Includes history of church
6 Unitarian. Announcement of Tercentenary Celebration to take place on January 21, Tea on January 11 held by Benevolent Society and Alliance. Article includes list of ministers. 2 copies.
7 Unitarian. First Parish Church faces task joyously after 300 years. History of the First Parish to be presented at the Sunday celebration by its writer. William Lee Raymond News article
8 Unitarian. First Parish Church to note 300 years of service Sunday.Banquet closes tercentenary of Wayland’s First Church. Waltham Tribune January 19, 1940January 26, 1940
9 Unitarian. Wayland Church 300 years old.Tercentenary of Wayland Church Observed Boston HeraldChristian Regis January 20, 1940February 1, 1940
10 Unitarian. Wayland Church Marks its 300th Annivesary. Boston Post January 22, 1940
11 Unitarian. Press notice of tercentenary celebration. Boston Post (?)
12 Unitarian. Press notice of Tercentenary Alliance Tea. Waltham Tribune
13 Unitarian. First Parish in Wayland, Massachusetts celebrates 300th annivesary. News article
14 Congregational. A History of the Trinitarian Congregational Church. Presented by Barbara Bell, history student April 6, 1965
15 Catholic. St. Ann’s Catholic Church, Rev. William J. Carty, pastor. Church history. Margaret Ballou
Civil War 1 Hi Neighbors! Chats about the region’s yesteryears: A Lincoln story. Les Hall News article, Historical Society
2 Wayland soldiers in the Civil War From Annals
3 Letter to James Redpath, C.W. Eldridge, etc. from Edmund H. Sears November 22, 1860
4 The Living Past. Civil War bled small towns of N.E. Howard S. Russell News article, Town Crier n.d.
5 “Old John Brown” From the Edmund H. Sears folder #2, Heard House
6 Civil War Veterans Buried in North Cemetery
7 Wayland and the Civil War Mary Trageser Historical Society 1955
8 Wayland during the Civil War Period Catherine Hubbard Student paper April 5, 1973
Cochituate 1 Cochituate – Photos L.G. Bissonnette Boston About 1890 Photocopies
2 Cochituate. News article. The News, Framingham – Natick Saturday, March 4, 1967
3 Shoe and Leather Reporter November 6, 1888
4 The Living Past. When Cochituate made shoes. Howard S. Russell September 21, 1961
5 Cochituate: What it is and how it got that way Town Crier October 12, 1973
6 Cochituate part 2 Jean Gogolin Town Crier October 18, 1973
7 Blame it on the Bents Martha Lewis and Kathy Kariotis, students April 17, 1964
8 Wayland Bicentennial Home Days. List of tour sites and exhibits. Cochituate Center. June 19 and 20, 1976
9 References to articles on Lake Cochituate
Collins Market 1 Unusual globe for high school library. Memorial for Mr. Collins.
2 Collins Market Emily Blair Wayland Weekly Community Calendar February 1976
3 List of contributors to memorial for Lawrence F. Collins (High School globe)
4 Collins Market (history) Emily W. Blair, curator Wayland Historical Society
5 History and description of construction of Collins Market Paul Gardescu 1987
6 Old walls hold tales of witches Paul Revere Town Crier March 15, 1984
Communism 1 1954 Ann Hale case – Still a touchy subject Peggy Patton Town Crier November 19, 1981
Cultural Events 1 Wayland-Sudbury First Night Program December 31, 1978 2 copies
2 The First Wayland Community Open House December 20, 1981
Wayland Depot 1 The Wayland Depot (history of handicraft store)
2 From Wayland railroad station to Wayland depot George Lewis Wayland Weston Town Crier March 17, 1988
Description 1 Where Suburbs End News article, The Boston Globe 2 copies
2 Brochure to advertise subdivision of Heard property Original at Heard House
3 Description of Wayland Edison Electric Illuminating Co. 1909
4 Wayland survey proves eye-opener on migration News article, Boston Herald March 24, 1960
5 Map of subdivision of the Heard estate Missing
6 Profile of Wayland 1973 1973
7 Play – Town Meeting Re-enactment 1980
8 Wayland: Don’t let the rural bounty fool you New Settlers Guide 1979-1980
9 Monograph #120 Town of Wayland Massachusetts Department of Commerce Division of Research 1955
10 Growing up in Wayland in the early 1900s Emily Whitney Blair April 1973 Written for the First Parish Sunday School
11 Wayland: Written for the Library Prize A.W. Cutting Boston Evening Transcript January 14, 1888 Copy of article
12 Half of adult residents lived elsewhere in 1954 Town Crier March 24, 1960 2 copies
13 Wayland Population 1765-1905 Town Clerk
Disasters 1 Swollen rivers peril Bay State towns Boston Herald American Sunday, January 28, 1979 2 copies
2 Floods isolate an island Boston Sunday Globe January 28, 1979 2 copies
3 7th annual awards program winners International Fire Fighters June 1972
Dudley Pond 1 Federal money to help with Dudley Pond study Wayland-Weston Town Crier July 17, 1980
2 Dudley Pond Association Newsletter, Vol. I, No. 1 Spring 1980
3 Description of Dudley Pond re: Boston Water System King’s Handbook of Boston c. 1883, 5th ed., Moses King Pub
4 Map of Dudley Pond Metropolitan District Commission Shows proposed location of pressure aqueduct – mentioned for dating purposes
5 Dudley Pond application in limbo Wayland-Weston Town Crier February 11, 1982
6 Water management proposal, etc. for Dudley Pond Article for warrant
7 What’s the problem with Dudley Pond? Wayland-Weston Town Crier May 21, 1981
8 Proposed improvements to storm water management (map) Town of Wayland 1987
9 Dudley Pond Irene E. Praeger For Course: Conservation and the Nation, Northeastern University December 5, 1988
10 Dudley Pond Assocation Newsletter, Vol. 10, No. 1 Spring 1989
Farming 1 Massachusetts Ploughman, New England Journal of Agriculture Wayland Historical Society November 5, 1898
2 Mainstone Barn Destroyed by Fire Wayland-Weston Town Crier October 16, 1980
3 Transactions of the Middlesex Agricultural Society for the Year 1879. The Premiums and Judges for the Exhibition of 1880. Complete issue at Heard House
4 Old Time Farming in Wayland Ruth E. and Lewis S. Russell
5 A Country Almanac: Agriculture in Sudbury, 1725-1775 J. Christopher Flowers
6 Wayland: A Sketch. A History of Mainstone Farm in 3 Parts:- Part I: The hill before Mr. William Powell Perkins bought the farm in 1868- Part II: The hill while Uncle Powell lived there- Part III: The hill after Uncle Powell’s death Elizabeth Perkins Hamlen Author born October 11, 1872. Written during the years of 1946-1948.
Hazardous Wastes 1 Is town ready for chemical spill? Town Crier November 20, 1980 2 copies
2 State lists potential hazardous waste sites Town Crier, p. 15 November 20, 1980 2 copies
Historical Commission* 1 Wayland Center Historic District December 1, 1970 Prepared for the Cochituate School 4th Grade
2 Proposal for a Wayland Center Historic District Historical Society
3 Letter and copy of Section 15C
4 MA Historical Commission certificate accepted Wayland Center Historic District
5 Pictures of Wayland Historical Sites
*See also Houses file
Historical Society 1 Wayland Historical Society Yearbook 1979-1980
2 Wayland Historical Society Yearbook 1980-1981
3 The Story of the Heard House 1800-1956
4 Giving History a Meaning
5 Start of Historical Society
6 Letter sent to Wayland residents asking for financial aid by Historical Society April 27, 1959 2 copies
History 1 Wayland Town and Seal Town and City Seals, Vol 2. Boston, MA: State Street Trust Co.
2 Wayland?s 200th Birthday Town Crier
3 Wayland Once Had a Public Bath Tub Town Crier
4 Wayland – Living the good life The Boston Globe 197?
5 Wayland History of Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Vol. II. Philadelphia: J.W. Lewis & Co. 1890 2 copies
6 ?For Want of More Meadow” Helen Emery July 12, 1962 2 copies
7 The Town Which Bears His Name Helen Emery February 7, 1957
8 Letter to Irving Parmenter, Sr. from Jane Becker, Reference Archivist Commonwealth of Massachusetts
9 Supplementary Notes, Proceedings at Dedication of Town Hall James Draper December 24, 1878
10 The Cities and Towns Middlesex County and Its People
11 A Massachusetts Town is Founded Howard S. Russell New England Homestead March 12, 1955 Magazine
12 Town Meeting articles November 1847 to April 1853
13 Petition to the State Legislature to divide Sudbury into two towns
14 Act of Legislature separating Sudbury & East Sudbury April 10, 1780
15 Sudbury History John Powers, chairman Sudbury Bicentennial Committee Missing 7/15/91
16 History – Sudbury Plantation
17 How Wayland and Sudbury went separate ways Helen Emery Town Crier, p.10 March 13, 1980 2 copies
18 A Brief History of Wayland Town Crier 2 copies
19 Early land grants & founding families William A. Loker May 27, 1954
20 Historical Tour of Wayland Conducted by Robert H. Scotland November 6, 1966
21 From Stagecoach to Railroad In Our Country Town Historical Society (?) November 3, 1955
22 Impact of Prop 2 1/2 MIT study 1982
23 Population 1780-1980 – Puritan Village Evolves
24 Brief history of Wayland Town Crier August 28, 1977
25 Brief account of Wayland John Barber Historical Collections 1844
26 History Sketches from Proceedings at the Dedication of the Town Hall, Wayland J.S. Draper December 24, 1878
27 A Brief Description of Wayland From an untitled history of Wayland owned by Heard House Preface dated 1839
28 Talk – Wayland in 1950 George Lewis March 13, 1990
29 Brief description of Sudbury in 1830s Same as 27. Consolidate?
30 Brief history of Wayland Library Betty Sweitzer, Trustee June 1978
31 Brief history of Wayland, Mass. Draft from Town Hall
32 Census / Population 1765-1905 (Wayland Section) Town Clerk
33 Barn Lecture list (?)
The Red Scare in Wayland Robt. E. Mainer Moved to Communism file 5/04 KAP
34 Town Seal Helen Emery
Houses 1 Cark Winkel search for home Christian Science Monitor December 6, 1963
2 Judge Mellens Law Office Mabel S. Draper
3 The Bigwood House Historical Society
4 The Old Green Store Alfred W. Cutting 1935 2 copies
5 The Marshall Stone House Historical Society
6 Schofield House on the move (Thomas House) Town Crier
7 References in Thoreau’s Journal to the “Parris House,” Wayland
8 Notes on the Samuel Parris House Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson to Mrs. Edwin Farnham Greene
9 The Grout-Heard House Historical Society
10 Williams House, 128 Commonwealth Rd., Cochituate
11 A Tour of Old Houses Historical Society May 27, 1959 2 copies
12 Goulding House Mrs. N. S. Bell Pathways of the Puritans. Framingham, MA: Old America Co. c. 1930 Compiled for Mass Bay Colony Tercenbinary Commission
13 Wayland Village Locations & Descriptions
14 Heard House Margaret Morrell May 17, 1956
15 Sibley House 1818 The Annals of Sudbury, Wayland, and Maynard, p. 108
16 MA Historic Preservation, Vol. 2: Inventory of Historic Assets MA Historical Commission June 1975
17 The Curtis Farm
18 United States Post Office Dedication Program April 12, 1970
19 Home of Mrs. Ruth Burbank, Old Sudbury Rd.
20 The Parris House Mrs. Alfred W. Cutting Wayside Inn Chapter, D.A.R. October 3, 1915
21 Bent House – Wayland Remembered Town Crier June 14 and 21, 1979 2 copies
22 The Deacon Draper House Helen Emery 1966
23 Abel Glezen House Historical Society
24 Tour of Old Houses Historical Society June 8, 1963
25 Map of the First Roads & House Lots in Sudbury
26 Wayland Historical Tours – Bibliography Barbara Robinson
27 Early Wayland Houses – List 1974
28 Old Damon House
29 History of the Wayland Free Public Library Wayland Historical Society 1956
30 Wayland’s Historical Buildings Bonnie Gossels, Social Studies
31 Map – Village of Wayland Walker Atlas 1889
32 Map – Wayland Center Beers Atlas 1875
33 Zoning Map of Wayland 1954
34 Drawing of Sudbury’s East Meetinghouse Rita Anderson
35 Historical Tour of Wayland Robert H. Scotland November 6, 1966
36 Wayland Bicentennial Home Days – Tour Sites and Exhibits June 1976
37 Village of Wayland – Map 2 copies
38 A Tour of Old Wayland Houses Historical Society 1966
39 Beauty and History in Six of Oldest Wayland Homes Town Crier May 7, 1959 2 copies
40 Wayland Remembered – Parmenter House Town Crier August 28, 1980 and September 4, 1980 2 copies
41 Application to have Wayland placed on the National Register of Historic Places
42 The Grout-Heard House Wayland Community Calendar February 1976
43 Greenways
44 Puffer House (?), 7 Pemberton Rd.
45 Old Houses of Wayland – List
46 Land Grants & Early Families William A. Loker May 27, 1954
Indians* 1 Bibliography and Suggested Reading
2 Andros Promotes Indian Attack on Own Colonies
3 Indian Grinding Stone Park (Sudbury)
4 Indian Goodman and the Good Dr. Elliot / Execution of an Indian Friend
5 Chapter II History of Sudbury Hudson History of Sudbury, pp. 8-25
6 Indian Customs – His Subordination
7 Indian Corn Hills Still Visible After 300 Years?
8 4000 Years Ago…Hereabouts Howard S. Russell Town Crier
9 Indian Relics
10 The Redskins of Our New England / A Miracle on Martha’s Vineyard
11 The Bargain Indian Purchase & Simple Town Incorporation
12 Historical Indian Sites in Wayland, MA Carolyn Okoomian
13 A Nice Place to Live Howard S. Russell Metropolitan West May 1969 2 copies
14 Notes on talk by Mr. Rice & Mr. Smith at Wayland Historical Society
*See Houses file #35 for more info
Indians – King Philip’s War 1 The Granulated Indian
2 Chapter XIII History of Sudbury Hudson History of Sudbury, pp. 233-25?
3 King Philip Allan Forbes Other Indian Events of New England, Vol. II, pp. 45-48. State Street Trust Co. of Boston. 1941
4 Description of the War
5 The Noble Redmen
6 April 1676 – They Died Bravely Howard S. Russell The Living Past
7 Frontier Sudbury’s Indian Troubles
8 Student paper on King Philip’s War Frank Smoot October 31, 1974
9 Relations Between the Indians and the White Settlers in Massachusetts Clare Gregory
Industry 1 Copies of bills from various stores
2 When Cochituate Made Shoes Howard S. Russell The Living Past September 21, 1961 2 copies
3 Wayland History Bettyanne Geiger
4 Picture – Architect’s preliminary drawing of Raytheon
5 Timothy Allen (tailor) account 1824
6 Wayland’s Industries Mrs. George I. Emery Wayland Historical Society March 1, 1956
7 Marlboro, Massachusetts and the Shoeworkers’ Strike of 1898-1899 Martin H. Dodd Labor History, Vol. 20 Summer 1979 Periodical
8 The Union of Sex and Craft in the Haverhill Shoe Strike of 1895 Mary H. Blewett Labor History, Vol. 20, pp. 352-375 Summer 1979
9 Development of Wayland’s Industries Randy Charles April 5, 1971 School paper
10 Blame it on the Bents: The New England Shoe Industry & Its Role in Cochituate Martha Lewis & Kathy Kariotis April 17, 1964 School paper
Lake Cochituate* 1 Snake Brook Dredging to Stem Algae Growth Town Crier, pp. 9, 14 May 29, 1980 2 copies
2 Lake Cochituate Watershed Association Vol. 9, No. 8 Fall 1978
3 Lake Cochituate Being Fed to Death The Boston Globe May 18, 1969
4 Lake Cochituate: “Place of the Rushing Torrent” Natick Bulletin July 28, 1966
5 Quabbin – The Lost Valley Donald W. Howe The Quabbin Book, pp. 12-17. Ware, MA: House. 1951
*See Boston Water System
L. M. Child Celebration 1 Program of Celebration 9 copies
2 Lydia Child Anniversary Town Crier, p. 11 October 9, 1980 2 copies
3 A Graveside Memorial Service for Lydia Maria Child + 3 Photos Rev. Kenneth W. Sawyer Old North Cemetery, First Parish in Wayland October 18, 1980
Maps 1 Village of Wayland 1889 1889 Walker Atlas Hand copy. 2 copies.
2 Zoning Map of Wayland – Map amended to April 1955
3 Wayland (center) Beers 1875 Atlas 2 copies
4 Cochituate Beers 1875 Atlas
5 Wayland Beers 1875 Atlas 2 copies
6 Map of the first roads & house lots in Sudbury
7 Map of Wayland 1978 Everett M. Brooks, Civil Engineer 2 copies
8 1889 Map – Showing name & location of property Walker Atlas 4 copies
9 Wayland 1866 2 copies
10 Wayland 1889 Walker Atlas 3 copies
11 Estate of Francis Shaw 1942 Advertising brochure Plan of land
12 Wayland 1978
13 Conservation Areas Conservation Commission April 1, 1976
14 Survey Map 1853
15 Proposed name of streets for Center and North Wayland 1909 Village Improvement Society 2 copies
16 Letter on Surveying Town June 26, 1794
17 Map with Locations of Schools Everett M. Brooks, Civil Engineer January 1967
18 Plan of Concord River from East Sudbury to Billerica Mills
19 Plan of Concord & Sudbury Rivers with the Meadows Adjoining – 1861
20 The Future of the Sudbury-Assabet-Concord Rivers Suasco Watershed Assoc., Inc. Reusit & N.E. Rivers Center. Concord Carlisle Adult & Com. Ed.
Middlesex Canal* 1 That Slow Old River Newspaper clipping
2 What People Talk About The Boston Globe November 20, 1962
3 Middlesex Canal Revival Ardent Aim of Eager Buffs Boston Herald November 18, 1962
4 Calling on the Neighbors – Ralph Babcock The Boston Globe January 8, 1962
5 Chats about Old Sudbury’s Yesteryears – That Slow Old River
6 New England’s Forgotten Canal Yankee Magazine March 1960
7 Old New England Canals Bulletin, Society for Preservation of New England Antiquities Spring 1956
8 Zoning & Conservation re: Rivers & Canal Town Report 1934
9 Supreme Court of MA Decision re: Canal Monthly Law Reporter August 1861
10 Map of Middlesex County Lithograph at American Antiquarian Society
11 Talk about Canal given by Mr. Brenton H. Dickson at Historical Society Meeting February 2, 1956
12 Statement to the public concerning the dam across the Concord River 1861
13 Plan of Concord River May 1834
14 Plan of Concord & Sudbury Rivers 1861
15 Middlesex Canal Trip – A Test of Endurance Boston Herald January 8, 1967
16 Report of the Sudbury Valley Commission (cover page) Copy at Historical Society
17 Letter with references to where material about Middlesex Canal can be found from Mrs. Pierpoint Blair to Miss Martha Mayo February 10, 1973
18 Map of Concord River from East Sudbury to Billerica Mills used in court trial
*See also Sudbury River
News Clips 1 Wayland Survey Proves Eye-Opener on Migration Boston Herald March 24, 1960 2 copies
2 Center School Built in 1890s Town Crier October 4, 1979 2 copies
3 Picture of Charlotte Dolber The Boston Globe May 8, 1979 2 copies
4 Wayland Sold on Team Teaching The Boston Globe March 13, 1963
5 Town Crier’s Newcomers Edition July 28, 1977 3 copies
6 Obituaries of Itzhak Bentov The Boston Globe May 27, 1979 2 copies
7 Town Crier’s Newcomers Edition August 1, 1974
8 Town Crier’s Newcomers Edition
9 Faces of ’79 – The Year in Review Town Crier December 27, 1979
10 A Nice Place to Live Howard S. Russell Metropolitan We(?) May 1969
Newspapers 1 The Last Thirty Years as Reflected Through the Pages of the Hometown Newspaper 1951-1981 Town Crier October 8, 1981
2 Report on newspapers with articles on Wayland Helen Emory
Parmenter Health Center* 1 A History of Parmenter Health Center
*See Parmenter file
Parmenter 1 Wayland Opens Health Center After Dedication
2 Invitation to Open House at Parmenter Health Center January 20-23, 1955
3 Letter from Mrs. Leonard P. Goulding to Wayland Historical Society
4 Letter from Mabel A. Parmenter to Mrs. Emerton
5 Death notice of Henry Dana Parmenter
6 Parmenter Earned Immortality in his Bequest to Wayland Town Crier December 12, 1968
7 The Parmenter Story Harvard Trust Co. 1960
8 Copy of will of Deacon John Parmenter Register of Probate Court Boston
9 Copy of will of Deliberance Parmenter
10 The Parmenter Saga
11 Letter from Henry Parmenter to Julian Bennett
12 Letter from Mrs. Dana Parmenter to son Henry
13 Newspaper article
14 Copy of will of Jonathan M. Parmenter
15 Item 13 of will of Jonathan Parmenter – Establishing scholarship at Radcliffe College
16 Henry D. Parmenter & Jonathan M. Parmenter Scholarship Trust – Harvard College
17 Quarter-Million Left Harvard All Goes to Scholarships Newspaper article
18 Article and letter concerning Jonathan M. Parmenter
19 Jonathan Maynard Parmenter
20 The Parmenter Health Center Dedication Ceremonies January 19, 1955
21 The Olive-Leaf August 30, (?).873
22 Millionaire Farmer Words & is Content Boston Evening Record May 11, 1921 2 copies
23 Rich Wayland Man Proud to Work His Farm Boston Evening Record
24 Picture of J. Maynard Parmenter
25 Notice to Wayland Historical Society about Mary Louisa Parmenter
26 Parmenter Health Fair Town Crier April 24, 1980
Public Buildings and Monuments 1 Collins Market Wayland Weekly Community Calendar 2/2
2 Historical sketches of Public Buildings & Libraries James Draper Dedication of Town Hall
3 Law Office – 35 Cochituate Road
4 The Old Green Store (Kirkside) Alfred W. Cutting 1935
5 Wayland Village Mansion Was Once the Town Hall
6 Pequod House – Town Hall Land J. Sidney Stone Historical Society Jan. 5, 1968
Reminiscences 1 Growing Up in Wayland in the Early 1900’s Emily Whitney Blair April 1973 2 copies
2 Our Old Church Mary Adams Heard Wayland Branch Alliance 10/7/20
3 The Old House
4 Early Days Recalled by James J. Bolton Ruth MacDonald
5 Reminiscences Beatrice Herford Literary Club
6 Memories of Wayland Henry W. Patterson 2/62
7 Pages from the Diary of Isaac Damon Journal commencing Nov. 15, 1865 Owned by Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney, Commonwealth Rd
Revolution 1 “The Noble Train of Artillery” Jordan D. Fiore, Susan E. Schruth Commonwealth of MA Bicentennial Commission Publication March, 1976
2 Sudbury and Wayland Muster for the Revolution of 1775 Bobbie Robinson Wayland Bicentennial Commission 3 copies
3 Sudbury: Nineteenth of April, 1775 Forrest Bradshaw 2 copies
4 Wayland Historical Tours
5 In Memory of the Revolutionary War Soldiers Buried in the North Cemetery, Wayland, MA Palmer D. True 4/19/75
Roads 1 Old Connecticut Path Robert H. Scotland Wayland Historical Society 4/3/68
2 Distances John G. Hales Accounting of The Towns: 1830 (Mass Archives)
3 Map Frederick Wood Turnpikes of Mass. Boston 1919 2 copies
4 Old Connecticut Path, some episodes in its history
5 From Indian Paths — Numbered Routes Howard S. Russell The Living Past
6 There are Worse Roads Howard S. Russell The Living Past
7 Weston’s Post Road Town Crier 7/10/80 PP. 10, 12
Schools 1 Wayland Schools – early history – around 1900
2 Center School built in 1890’s after ‘sectional battle’ Town Crier 10/4/79 P.11
3 How Good are Your Schools? Wayland Sold on Team Teaching Boston Globe March 13, 1963
4 Picture – Wayland High
5 The District School James Draper Supplementary notes – Proceedings of Dedication of Town Hall December 24, 1878
6 Schools of Wayland in 1830 – List
7 Center District 1840-41 School Register
8 Catalog of the Officers & Students of the Wayland Academy for Summer, Fall, Winter & Spring Terms of 1841-2 D. H. Ela Boston 1842
9 Out of Poverty, Public Schools Howard S. Russell Town Crier
10 School Register 1834 Wayland Public Library
11 Register of the Thomas District Summer Term 1840 2 copies
12 District Schools (1799-1897) Margaret Morrell Wayland Historical Society April 12, 1955
13 Anecdotes of Old Schools Mrs. Donald B. Willard Wayland Historical Society April 12, 1955
14 Millions Have Been Spent on Wayland School System Pictures of schools Town Crier, p. 4
15 Wayland School Called “a Decided Failure” Newspaper article – source unknown 1847
16 Wayland School History
17 The History of Education in Wayland, Part II Lydia A. Karpinol
18 Map with Locations of Schools Everett M. Brooks, Civil Engineer Jan. 1967
19 The Lokerville School Margaret Morrell March 1957
20 The Early Education and The Five Pound Fine 1692-1702 Newspaper article
21 To “Rede and Wright and Cast Accounts” Newspaper article
22 Education or Not for the Youth Les Hall Newspaper article
23 Early Days – Until 1799 Mrs. Chandler Robbins Wayland Historical Society 4/12/55
24 “Our Old House” Third Program Wayland Historical Society Feb. 8, 1955 Mentions three houses which were formerly schools
25 List of books used Program of Wayland Historical Society April 12, 1955
26 The Rutter School Mrs. Willard B. Dik Historical Society April 5, 1955
27 Wayland School District Libraries Historical notes – Library Notes
School Projects 1 We Live in Wayland – Concepts and Activities: Grade 3
Schools – Student Writing 1 The Mole Wayland High Newspaper 2/24/79
2 Idiom Wayland High Spring 1968
3 The Magazine Wayland High June 1980
4 The Honor Society Journal
5 New York Times Vol. I No. 21 Wayland High 1971
6 Attic Wayland High 1972
Senior Citizen’s Club 1 Bulletin December 1980
2 Bulletin November 1980
3 Bulletin October 1980
4 Bulletin September 1980
5 Bulletin August 1980
6 Bulletin July 1980
7 Bulletin June 1980
8 Bulletin May 1980
9 Bulletin April 1980
10 Bulletin March 1980
11 Bulletin February 1980
12 Bulletin January 1980
Town Crier 1 Historical re-creation of paper printed in Revolutionary War Days Town Crier 1972
Town Government 1 The Town Systems (Supplementary notes by James Draper) Proceedings at the Dedication of The Wayland Town Hall Dec. 24, 1878
Taverns 1 Longfellow’s Wayside Inn Irvin Haas, N.Y. Arco America’s Historic Inns and Taverns
2 Wayside Inn Alice Morse Earle Stage-coach & Tavern Days, N.Y. Macmillam 1900
3 Reeve’s Hill James Draper, supplementary notes Proceedings at the Dedication of The Town Hall Dec. 24, 1878
4 The Wayside Inn Pathways of the Puritans, MA Bay Colony Tercentenary Commission, Framingham Old America Co. c1930
5 “Our Old Houses” – Taverns Third Program, Historical Society Feb. 8, 1955
6 Notes on program about taverns Wayland Historical Society Program 1/5/56
7 Wayland Inn Demolished – Pequod House Newspaper article
8 Historical Society Program – Taverns Historical Society 1/5/56
9 Tearing Down of Wayland Inn Recalls Powder Wagon Days Newspaper article 2/22/28
10 The Wayside Inn Mary Herrod Northend Boston, Small, Maynard & Co., Chapter III c1925
11 Wayland Inn Mary Herrod Northend Boston, Small, Maynard & Co., Chapter IV c1925
12 Pequod House J. Sidney Stone Historical Society Jan. 5, 1968
Temple Shir Tikva 1 Booklet – information about the Temple & Activities
2 Dedication Book May 31, 1981 3 copies
Temperance Society 1 Minutes of meetings of Temperance Society of East Sudbury WPA Transcript of document now owned by Historical Society Nov. 12-Oct. 28, 1833
Transportation 1 Statements of Facts – Proposed Rail-Road from Boston to Fitchburg Charlestown: Caleb Rnad. 1842
2 The Wreck of “The Yankee” Weston Historical Society Bulletin March 1976 2 copies
3 An Act to authorize the Milford & Woonsocket RR to extend its Railroad MA Senate 1896
4 Massachusetts Centrail Railroad Prospectus Thomas Groom & Co. Boston 1878
5 Report of Directors of Boston & Worcester Rail-road Corp. to stockholders Boston: I. R. Butts June 6, 1842
6 Letter establishing Mass. Cen. R.R.
7 Pages from Trolley Booklet Heard House
8 Wayland History – Trolley Bettyanne Geiger Newspaper article
9 Rails Through Central Massachusetts R. R. Conard Fall 1968
10 Remember the Trolley Days? Peggy Kaplan Town Crier
11 A Railroad Ditty Natick Bulletin Dec. 2, 1871
12 Wayland – From State to Rail R. R. Conard April 15, 1969l; revised March 1970 Much of this material in The Mass Central R.R. Book
13 Picture – Trolley in Cochituate
14 B & W Bus Ways Boston, Worcester & NY St. Ry. Co. Aug ?
15 Country Rides by Trolley – Map & Info
16 Copy of R.R. tickets
17 Recollections of the MA Central RR Miss H. Elizabeth Coolidge 2 copies
18 History & Progress of the Boston & Albany RR W. L. Parson, Asst. Counsel
19 Schedule – Boston to Clinton, MA
20 “Millionaires’ Local”
21 Statistics for R.R.
22 Wayland the Coaching Centre Newspaper article
23 Survey of Boston & Its Vicinity Ezra Lincoln Boston 1821
24 MA Central RR Time-table Sept. 3, 1882
25 MA Central RR Time-table Oct. 9, 1882
26 The Central Massachusetts Railroad Weston Historical Society Bulletin
27 From Stagecoach to Railroad in our Country Town Historical Society Nov. 3, 1955
28 Offer to seel land to Framingham Branch Railroad
29 Copies of tickets and stamps of Boston & Maine RR
30 Copy of timetable of Wayland, Weston & Stony Brook Coach Line
31 MA Central R.R. – dissolvement of town committee re: MA Central RR
32 Photo of Boston & Maine RR Turntable and Engine house Richard Conway Nov. 24, 1973
33 Framingham Branch Railroad Co.-Subscription to the Capital Stock Historical Society
34 Outline of Boston & Albany RR History Press Bureau, Boston & Albany RR
35 Info on Boston & Worcester RR
36 Notes on transportation history
200th Birthday 1 Wayland’s 200th Birthday – Booklet Raytheon Co., Equipment Division
2 Happenings – Let Them Eat Cake Town Crier 4/17/80
3 1980 Town Meeting Re-Enactment Play
4 After 200 Years it’s time for a party Town Crier 4/3/80, p. 22 2 copies
5 Picture – Wayland Marks 200th in Style Middlesex News 4/12/80, p. 1 2 copies
6 Come Dance, Celebrate Wayland’s Bicentennial Middlesex News 4/12/80, p. 17 2 copies
7 Stepping back to 1780 – picture Town Crier 4/17/80, p. 1 2 copies
8 Decisions, decisions – on pigs and sheep Town Crier 4/17/80, p. 11 2 copies
Vokes Theatre 1 Program – Twelfth Night May 1981
Voters – 1781 1 List of voters in East Sudbury as prepared by Assessors Part of WPA Transcription of Loring document now owned by Historical Society As of Feb. 3, 1781
Water Quality 1 Wayland Water Study – History League of Women Voters
2 How much safe drinking water do we have? Town Crier 1/3/80, p. 11
3 How safe is your drinking water – and who cares? Town Crier 2/7/80
4 With increasing need, conservation is a necessity Town Crier 2/14/80, p. 59
Water Works 1 Information from Tape: Following Photographs Wayland Resources Wayland Schools
2 Where was the First Town Water Supply in Wayland Wayland Resources Wayland Schools
3 Wayland Water Works 1878-1975 Wayland Resources Wayland Schools
4 Water Source Wayland Resources Wayland Schools
5 Water Study League of Women Voters 1980
6 Notes on action taken from Town Clerk’s office Wayland Historical Society 4-79 1903
7 Report of the Construction Committee of the Wayland Water Works March 1, 1879
8 Report on Water Works – State Board of Health Wayland Historical Society 4-79 1903
9 Preliminary Report of the Special Water Supply Committee Historical Society Feb. 14, 1947 2 copies
10 Report of Pump Test on Cutting Property Historical Society 1924
11 The Wayland Water Works from Past to Present Harold Morse Student paper April 4, 1966
12 Report of Committee on Water Supply of the Town of Wayland March 24, 1903
Wayland Families – Brown, Edmund 1 Edmund Brown & the Division of the Original Sudbury Settlement Rosalie King Jan. 6, 1964 2 copies
2 Parson Brown’s Will 2 copies
Wayland Families – Curtis 1 The Curtis Farm Wayside Inn Chapter – DAR
2 Ephraim Curtis Was a Son of Original Settler The Fence Viewer
3 Ephraim Curtis, Wayland Scout Town Crier
4 Unview Tablet in Memory of Indian Scout Curtis Framingham News
5 Pictures – re Curtis 2 copies
6 The Family of Henry Curtis of Sudbury, Mass Wayland Historical & Genealogical Register July 1907
7 Curtis Family – info on 5 generations Hudson Annals, p. 113
Wayland Families – Draper 1 Appreciation of the Draper Family Through Three Generations Alfred W. Cutting 1917
2 The Draper Corporation 1st National Bank Magazine 3/52
3 One Thousand Representative Men resident in Mass. 1888-89 1st National Pub. Co. 1890
4 List of Gifts from Draper to Historical Society
5 Genealogy of Draper Family
6 Story of Rings at Heard House
7 Letter to Helen re Draper Genealogy
8 Town Meeting Notes 1826
9 Draper Letter
10 Series of Historical Papers on Wayland Mrs. James Draper Waltham Free Press
11 Newspaper Article on Drapers
12 Poem
13 Letter to James Draper from First Parish Church
14 Picture – James Draper
15 Picture – Mrs. Nabby A. Draper
16 Picture – Residence of James S. Draper
17 Bills to Wayland from James S. Draper
18 List of Births & Deaths of Drapers
19 Story about Drapers
Wayland Families – Draper – Nabby 1 Correspondance of Mrs. G. Emery with descendants of Draper family concerning connection of “Nabby Draper” with William Winthrop
2 Journal of William Winthrop Mass. Historical Society
3 Will of Nabby A. Draper 2 copies
4 Pictures of Sisters of Nabby Allen
5 Ancestry of Nabby Allen Walter Allen of Newbury, MA 1640 Some of his descendants by Allen H. Bent, Boston 1896
6 The Winthrop Family in America Lawrence Shaw May Page from book The Winthrop Family in America, MA Historical Society 1948
7 Copy of label on portrait of James Winthrop owned by Draper Sisters of Atlanta, GA
8 Second page of will of William Winthrop, who died in Cambridge, MA in 1825 Middlesex County Probate #25357 (first series)
9 Info on connection between William Winthrop & Nabby Allen Wayland Historical Society folder
10 Descent of Willam and James Winthrop from Gov. John Winthrop Lawrence Shaw May The Winthrop Family in America Chart compiled by Helen Emory Oct. 1977 1948