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What is the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Program?

1000 books before Kindergarten is an early literacy program designed to encourage parents and caregivers to read aloud to their children before they start kindergarten. Reading aloud helps build important literacy skills, sparks creativity and imagination, and promotes a lifelong love of books and reading! 

Broken into 100 book milestones, the Wayland library will celebrate your child’s reading achievements as you move towards the 1000 book goal.

1,000 books? That sounds like a lot! Can you do it? 

Yes you can!

 3 books a day x 1 year = 1,095 books

1 book a day x 3 years = 1,095 books

Audiobooks, e-books, and books in other languages count! Reading the same book over, and over, also counts, every time! Books read to your child in storytimes and at your child’s preschool or daycare also count!

How to Sign Up:

Register your child for the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Program through your Beanstack Account.

Note: this will be the same account that is used for our Summer Reading Program. If you already have a Beanstack account, skip to Step 2!

Step 1: Create Your Account

If you have not previously participated in the Summer Reading Program, get started by selecting “Register an individual or family” on Beanstack. Create an account. This will be the primary account. Multiple readers may be registered within this account so each child’s reading may be tracked separately. The program will ask if you wish to register an adult.  Click no. The program will ask if you wish to register a child. Click yes! Enter the child’s information and repeat for each child you wish to register.

Step 2: Register for 1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Sign into your Beanstack Account

In the upper right corner of the page, you’ll see which account you are currently viewing. To change to a different reader, click “switch readers”. Choose the reader that you wish to register. If your child is eligible to participate in the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Program, you will see the program appear. Click the “register” button.

How do I track my child’s reading?

There are several options for participating in 1000 Books Before Kindergarten.

Entirely Paperless: 

Parents may choose to go paperless and log their child’s reading entirely through the Beanstack account. If you want to keep a log of every book your child reads, you may choose to log each individual title. Parents may also choose to enter the total number of books read each night, rather than individual titles.

Paper Log:

Paper logs are available in the children’s room for parents who wish to track by the number of books read. Once you have filled a hundred books onto your log, enter the 100 books into your Beanstack account; or bring the completed log to the Library and we will enter it for you.

How does my child earn prizes?

In order to receive prizes, your child’s reading must be logged into their Beanstack account (either by you, or by a library staff member when you present your paper log).

For every 100 books your child reads, your child can come to the library to choose a special sticker.

When they finish 500 books, they will earn a special book prize.

When they finish 1,000 books, they will have completed the program. They will earn another book prize and a certificate of completion.