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The Art of Remembering Names

Tuesday, April 24th, 1-3pm

What is the cost to you of not remembering names? Embarrassment? Missed opportunities? Missed connections? Lost business?

Come learn a method that has been taught for over a hundred years to hundreds of thousands of students and has led to extraordinary feats of memory. Neil Kutzen of MemorizeBest makes it easier than ever to learn and use this method. You will see every person and their name more vividly, and remember their name surprisingly easily. Specially designed learning exercises are practiced in class and then at home. Practice and you will amaze yourself and others with your memory for names!

Neil has spent more than 25 years as a corporate trainer and instructional designer. He has a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology. He is a sometime actor and story teller, and full time memory trainer.

Pre-register here or call the reference desk to sign up – 508-358-2311