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Climate Change, the Economy & National Security with Ariel Hoover

View a recording of this program here. 

Thursday, September 6, 7:30pm – What are the economic and securty impacts of climate change, and what can you do about it?

This presentation and interactive discussion will help answer these questions. Come hear an explanation of the causes of climate change and its impacts on our economy, the environment, and our national security. Learn how we can ensure our country’s future well-being (and yours) with steps that are being taken already, and what we can do to help make sure that our children and grandchildren inherit a beautiful, living earth.


Ariel Hoover is an educator, grandmother and environmentalist. Recently retired as an instructor at Tufts University; she has been a teacher in public schools for most of her teaching career. She was trained by Al Gore and friends in Pittsburgh this year as a Climate Reality spokes-person along with 1,500 people from all over the world.  She is committed to helping all of us understand the issues and to showing how we, (yes, each one of us), can make a difference in this epic battle to save life on earth.