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The USS Indianapolis

Weds, Jan 15, 7:30 pm – On July 30, 1945, having completed a top-secret mission, the USS Indianapolis was traveling unescorted to the Philippines when she was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine.  Due to an incredible series of blunders by the Navy Department, she was not even missed for almost five days.

During that time, the 900 men who had abandoned ship–many straight into the water–faced terrible physical and mental challenges, including a most primal threat–sharks.

Only 317 would survive.  This tragedy was one of the worst in US naval history, leading to public outrage, the scapegoating of the captain, and years of debate.




Bob Begin grew up in Maine, graduated from Babson College, served 2 years active duty in the Army, and had a career of 35 years in the paper and film industry culminating as a Logistics Director. The love of history continues to be very rewarding as he enjoys retirement.  His major focus is on Naval History with an emphasis on the Pacific Theater on WWII.  He is also intrigued with the Concept Of Empire and how it shaped history throughout the world.