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Participation Matters! Your Input is Needed

Please complete our strategic planning survey by June 21. We are excited to embark on shaping the future of the Wayland Library and we need your insights...

Breaking Down Silos with Callie Crossley

View a video of this program. Sunday, April 7th at 2:00 PM – Join renowned journalist Callie Crossley in conversation with journalism professor Dan Kennedy for an examination of the news and community silos that prevent the productive exchange of ideas, isolate us, and hinder the...

Wayland Hosts Library Legislative Breakfast

Libraries saw a lot of love when supporters from Wayland, Sudbury, Maynard, Stow, Acton, Marlborough and Westborough enjoyed a “Library Legislative Breakfast” on Friday, March 8th at the Wayland Free Public Library.  In addition to bagels and pastries, the event featured remarks from library...

175 Years of Library History

2023 year marked the 175th anniversary of the Wayland Library’s founding. In commemoration, the Library engaged three Brandeis Ph.D. students to write a history, paid for by a grant Brandeis received from the Mellon Foundation. The result is a uniquely delightful little volume full...

Celebrate Banned Books Week at WFPL!

Oct 1-7 is Banned Books Week. According to the American Library Association, there were 45 book challenges in Massachusetts in 2022 affecting 57 titles. That’s more than the past 9 years (2013-2021) combined. When we ban books, we’re closing off readers to people, places, and perspectives....

Exhibit: The Tree of Lace

Enjoy “The Tree of Lace” on exhibit near our parking lot door in October. Artist Pam Bonaguide collects vintage and antique lace and preserves them in cement. These doilies are hung together on a tree to represent the community of dedicated makers. Doilies were...

Introducing Your New Library Director: Chris Lindquist

The Trustees of the Wayland Free Public Library are pleased to announce the appointment of Christopher Lindquist as its next Library Director effective September 5, 2023. Mr. Lindquist has worked as a professional librarian in public libraries in Massachusetts and Connecticut since 1989, following...