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The Boston Typewriter Orchestra

Saturday, Nov 17, 3pm – An orchestra composed entirely of typewriters! 6 typists will create loud, lively music in the Rotunda. Join us for an experience unlike any other! The Boston Typewriter Orchestra is a collective endeavor which engages in rhythmic typewriter manipulation combined with...

De-Stress for the Holidays: An Introduction to Mindfulness

Thursday, Nov 15, 7pm – Mindfulness is the ability to be completely present, aware of what you’re doing while you are doing it, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around you. Come join us for an experiential evening of guided meditation....

NaNoWriMo Write-In!

Wednesday, Nov 14, 7:00 pm – Join us at the library for an evening of camaraderie and composition. Bring your laptop, typewriter, or pen and paper! We also have laptops you can borrow for the event with your library card! Write-in participants gather to work...

Great Presenters: Ray Harlan – On Gossamer Wings

Video of this program Tuesday, Nov 6, 7:30pm – Model airplanes can take many forms, from small, packaged toys to giant radio-controlled scale models that a child could sit in. Ultralight indoor rubber-powered free flight models occupy a tiny corner in the scope of...

Make a Book Turkey!

Friday, Nov 2, 1:30 pm – Create your own fun turkey from a book! We’ll be using exacto knives and glue guns so this is for ages 12 and up. All supplies provided.

Leigh Belanger: My Kitchen Chalkboard

Local chef and author Leigh Belanger will discuss her new cookbook and menu planning guide! Faced with the never-simple task of feeding her busy family every night, food writer Leigh Belanger turned to her kitchen chalkboard, planning out her weekly dinner menus in order...

Alternative Endings: Home Funerals & Green Burials

Video of this program Tues, Oct 30, 7:30pm – Just a few generations ago all funerals occurred in the ‘home parlor’ and burials were ‘green’, which is part of the natural cycle of death feeding new life.  Come engage in a conversation about the practice...