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Back in a Spell with Lana Harper

View a video of this program. Thursday, Feb 9, 7:00 PM – Virtual: Register here to receive the webinar link via email. Back in a Spell follows Nineve Blackmoore and even though she won’t deny her love for pretty (and pricey) things, Nineve Blackmoore (known...

Express Lane Barbershop Quartet!

View a video of this program. Sunday, Feb 12, 3:00 PM – Bring your loves to the Library Rotunda for an Sunday afternoon concert! Express Lane Barbershop Quartet sings old and new songs in the traditional barbershop style. Formed as a new quartet in...

The Combat Zone with Jan Brogan

POSTPONED TO Wednesday, March 8, 7:00 PM – The Combat Zone is a true account of a brutal murder, two flawed trials and the not so delicate balance between justice and revenge. It tells the story of an annual Harvard ritual that sent forty football...

Seeking Photos Taken at the Library!

As part of the Library’s 175th anniversary celebration in March, we’d like to display photos from community members taken at the library. They could be pictures from book groups or library programs, children’s events, or of friends or family members reading or browsing. Send them...

Great Presenters: Dr. Alvaro Pascual-Leone

View a video of this program Tues, Feb 7, 7:30 PM – Dr. Pascual-Leone will present his talk “Addressing Dementia and Other Brain-Related Disabilities.” This is a hybrid event. Attend in person or via Zoom. Register here. The current approach to brain care is...

Become an ESOL Tutor

It doesn’t matter if you don’t speak a foreign language or have never taught before. Once you complete the Library-sponsored training course, you’re ready for what could be a wonderfully rewarding relationship. The course for this winter/spring will be on Zoom, from 9:15-12:15 a.m....

What If? 2 with Randall Munroe

View a video of this program. Tuesday, Jan 31, 2:00 PM – Join for what is sure to be the most fun-filled hour of the day as we chat online with Randall Munroe about his new book What If? 2: Additional Serious Scientific Answers...