Thursday 5PM – 6PM, 1/31. Create your own keychain with – a free and easy to use 3D design program. To sign up or to learn more, use our event calendar. To register on your own you must be 8 or older, parents...
New 60-Second Book Talk for the Wayland Free Public Library! This time: Finding Wonders: Three Girls Who Changed Science by Jeannine Atkins (Reader Age: 10+)
Home for February Vacation? No problem. We have many great programs planned for children: Sciencetellers: Dragons and Dreams for ages 5 and up on Tues. Feb. 21, 3-4 pm; Drop-In Crafts for ages 4 and up on Wed. Feb. 22, 3-5 pm; Sparky’s Puppets...
Wednesday, May 17, from 3-4 p.m. Kids will learn about the Japanese artist Hokusai and paint a great wave of their own. Program led by Giselle from The Learning Hub. For children ages 5 and up.
Monday, November 14, from 4-5 p.m. Make biscuits like Ma in Wilder’s Little House in the Big Woods. Children will grind the wheat for flour, make the butter, and mix the batter! For ages 8 and up.
Thursday, December 1, 10:30 a.m. Jeannie Mack will perform all kinds of fun, bounce-around, sing-along songs geared for young children. Plenty of opportunity for audience participation! For babies, toddlers, and preschoolers with caregiver.