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Dr. Daniela Lamas: You Can Stop Humming Now

Monday, May 21 at 7:30pm. A critical care doctor’s breathtaking stories about what it means to be saved by modern medicine. Modern medicine is a world that glimmers with new technology and cutting-edge research. To the public eye, medical stories often begin with sirens...

Feasting with your InstantPot

Video of this program Tuesday, May 15, 7pm – Registration Required! The instant pot craze is here, are you onboard? For many of us, the instant pot is patiently waiting to be used. Whether yours is tucked away in a cupboard or still in...

The Rev. Dr. Jim Antal: Climate Church, Climate World

Monday, May 14, 7:30pm. Climate Church, Climate World argues that climate change is the greatest moral challenge humanity has ever faced. Hunger, refugees, poverty, inequality, deadly viruses, war—climate change multiplies all forms of global social injustice. Environmental leader Reverend Jim Antal presents a compelling case...

The Art of Remembering Names

Tuesday, April 24th, 1-3pm What is the cost to you of not remembering names? Embarrassment? Missed opportunities? Missed connections? Lost business? Come learn a method that has been taught for over a hundred years to hundreds of thousands of students and has led to extraordinary feats...