The Library recently completed a strategic planning process. We are grateful for the input we received from many of you! Our new five-year strategic plan for 2026-2030 includes 4 priorities and 19 supporting goals. It was approved by the Board of Library Trustees in...
View a video of this program. Sunday, April 7th at 2:00 PM – Join renowned journalist Callie Crossley in conversation with journalism professor Dan Kennedy for an examination of the news and community silos that prevent the productive exchange of ideas, isolate us, and hinder the...
2023 year marked the 175th anniversary of the Wayland Library’s founding. In commemoration, the Library engaged three Brandeis Ph.D. students to write a history, paid for by a grant Brandeis received from the Mellon Foundation. The result is a uniquely delightful little volume full...
Friday, July 29 – The Library now offers a terrific new learning tool called Transparent Language Online . It provides an effective and engaging experience for language learners looking to build their vocabulary, practice their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, and maintain what...
Weds, 7/20 – Are you history-minded? Do you write neatly? We’re looking for a short-term volunteer to help get the historical collection in order. Must pay attention to detail, handle materials carefully, and have good handwriting. One hour a week for four to eight weeks....
Tues, June 28, 7:00 pm – Need help understanding your Medicare health insurance options? This program will help you better understand your Medicare health insurance options outside of your employer-sponsored coverage, whether or not you’re planning to retire. Register to attend in-person or via...
It’s gonna be a hot one, but remember, you can find an air-conditioned refuge here. 10-5 on Saturday and 2-5 on Sunday. A perfect chance to catch up on your reading.