The Library is preparing for the upcoming interior repairs and maintenance work that is scheduled to begin in January. The Library will be closed on Wednesday, January 8 and Thursday, Jan 9, in order to facilitate the temporary relocation of Children’s Services to the main...
If you’ve got book lovers on your holiday shopping list, but aren’t sure what to get them, we can help! You can always ask us for a recommendation (please ask) or you can explore the riches of this year’s Wayland Library Gift Guide for adults. It’s loaded...
Bring your unused gift wrap to the Reference Desk and take home some “new to you” supplies! Wrapping paper, ribbons, gift tags and greeting cards in good condition are welcome. Eligible supplies are not limited to any specific holiday or occasion. You do not...
After more than 26 years at the Wayland Free Public Library, first as a part-time reference librarian, then as Assistant Director, Andy Moore will retire on September 20. He has no immediate plans but intends to further pursue his interest in theater, art, music,...
Sign out some seeds from the new Seed Library located upstairs on the mezzanine at the Wayland Free Public Library! Introducing the Wayland Seed Library Seed Libraries– places to check out seeds like you check out books from a regular library– are a growing...
It’s summer at the library! For Summer 2024, the Library’s Summer Hours will run from June 22 through Labor Day weekend. Summer Hours: Mon.-Thurs.: 9am – 9pm (no change) Fri.: 9am – 6pm (no change) Sat.: 10am – 1pm Sun.: CLOSED
We’re saying goodbye to the old Minuteman catalog webpage at the end of June. If you established a Reading History in the old catalog, you’ll need to transfer it to the new system by the end of the month in order to keep it!...