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***LOUD LIBRARY - Please plan to enjoy a program in the Round Room this evening, 7:00 - 8:30 PM.***

Library of Things Policy

The Library of Things is a collection of non-traditional items. Patrons who borrow a Thing agree to abide by the Wayland Free Public Library’s Library of Things lending guidelines below.

Borrowers must be 18 years of age or older. A valid Minuteman Library Network card in good standing with no outstanding fines above $10, and no overdue Things, is required to reserve and borrow a Thing.

A Thing may be reserved in advance. Borrowers should pick up a reserved Thing on the first day of the reservation period. Wayland Free Public Library reserves the right to cancel reservations if a Thing is not picked up within 2 days.

Things lent by the Wayland Free Public Library must be checked out from, and returned to, the Reference Desk of Wayland Free Public Library during operating hours. Things may not be returned in any book drops or to any other library.


  • Patrons are limited to three Library of Things checkouts per month.

Loan Periods

  • Most items in the Library of Things may be checked out for up to 14 days and cannot be renewed.
  • Things that are for “In library use only” must be checked out at the Reference Desk and returned to the same location on the same day. “In library use only” Things do not circulate outside of the Library.

Proper Use and Liability

  • Wayland Free Public Library is not responsible for any injury, loss, or damage that may occur from use of a Thing. Wayland Free Public Library staff claims no expertise and makes no representation concerning the fitness of any Thing for any particular use.
  • The borrower is responsible for the Thing and will be billed:
    • If the Thing is not returned by the due date.
    • For reasonable repair or replacement costs associated with damage or loss of the Thing and/or peripherals due to neglect or abuse.
  • It is the borrower’s responsibility to protect against loss and damage. All Things are to be returned in the same condition as they were borrowed, barring normal wear and tear. Library staff will inspect Things prior to borrowing and again upon return. Borrowers are expected to return the Thing with all parts and components in the original library carrier/container to the Reference Desk of the Wayland Free Public Library. Borrowers will be responsible for any missing parts or damage to each Thing until it has been checked in and found to be complete and in working order.
  • Things may not be returned in book drops.
  • Borrowers are not allowed to change the settings of any Thing or log out of the Library’s account.

Suspension of Borrowing Privileges

  • The Wayland Free Public Library reserves the right to suspend the borrowing privileges of patrons who repeatedly do not return Things on time. This is to ensure that items in the Library of Things collection are available to all patrons.

Approved by the Board of Library Trustees 12/18/2024.