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***LOUD LIBRARY - Please plan to enjoy a program in the Round Room this evening, 7:00 - 8:30 PM.***

Noon Book Group

We meet in person and via Zoom on the second Friday of the month, October to June.  Come whenever you like; no registration necessary.  Selections for the year–all fiction–are chosen over the summer by group vote.  All books are available through the library. For more information, contact Joanne Lee at

2024-25 Selections & Meeting Dates

Evening Book Group

EBG logo

Our evening book group starts in October and ends in June.  The focus is on current literary fiction and non-fiction, with the odd classic or genre work thrown in, selected by Reference Librarian Brittany Tuttle and members of the group.  Meetings are usually–though not always–the first Monday of the month at 7 p.m.  All are welcome, anytime; no registration required.  For more information, contact

2024-25 Selections & Meeting Dates

Cookbook Club

Like to cook?  Or want to be inspired to do so? The Cookbook Club is the group for you!

Food and cooking are the focus of this group.  Participants make and bring a recipe from the featured cookbook.  Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month.  Significant others welcome.  For more information, contact

2024-25 Selections & Meeting Dates

Dystopian/Sci-Fi Book Group

Led by librarian Elise Katz, we meet monthly throughout the year via Zoom. We mainly read current literature, but also revisit classics. Our selections include a wide range of science fiction, from artificial intelligence, climate fiction, robotics, space opera, hard-science fiction, and dystopian fiction, to humor!  Currently, titles for this book group are being decided month-to-month.  Book suggestions are welcome.

No prior experience with science fiction is required! We welcome novices as well as serious readers of the genre.

For information on the current month’s book, go to the library home page, click on View Full Calendar, then select “Book Group” from the All Programs menu.  For additional information and to receive the Zoom link, please contact

Book Groups Archive

Get a Book Club in a Bag!


Is your book club tired of having to track down multiple copies of a book for your next meeting? With Book Club in a Bag, receive 10 copies of one title, plus discussion resources and tips for a successful book group.
  • Circulations are for six weeks and reservations can be made up to a year in advance.
  • Plan to overlap your reservations; you can distribute the next book and collect the last book at the same meeting.
  • Please call the library 508-358-2311 to schedule a pickup or return. Book Club Kits should be returned to the Wayland Public Library, not to other libraries nor placed in the book drop.

Browse titles and reserve a bag.