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The Board of Library Trustees and staff are working with strategic planning consultant Deb Hoadley (Hoadley Consulting) to develop a new Strategic Plan for the Library that will serve as a road map as the Library plans for future programs and services, collections and resources necessary to meet both Library and community needs. The Strategic Plan will encompass FY2026 – FY2030. 

Strategic Planning Timeline: 

Demographics and Community Profile ObtainedMarch – May 2024    
Various Focus Group Sessions HeldApril – May 2024 
Open Community Forum HeldApril 25 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Community Survey ConductedMay 13 – June 21, 2024 
Focus Group Feedback and Survey Results CompiledJune 21 – July 15, 2024 
Draft of Strategic Plan DevelopedJuly 15 – August 30, 2024
Draft of Strategic Plan presented to Board of Library TrusteesSeptember 18, 2024
Final Draft of Strategic Plan submitted to Mass. Board of Library CommissionersOctober 1, 2024

Strategic Planning Working Group:

  • Aida Gennis, Chair, Board of Library Trustees
  • Win Treese, Library Trustee 
  • Chris Lindquist, Library Director 
  • Pam McCuen, Head of Youth Services 
  • Amy Conway, Business Office Manager 

Strategic Planning Consultant:

  • Deb Hoadley (Hoadley Consulting) 

We invite everyone in the community to participate in this planning process in order to help determine what our priorities will be and how we should direct our resources to better serve Wayland residents.  We will share the results of the focus group meetings that are taking place, as well as the results of the community survey we will be conducting from May 13 – June 15. More information about how you can participate in the community forum and the community survey is forthcoming.

Following the community engagement process, we will compile all of the feedback we received and incorporate it into a Strategic Plan for FY2026 – FY2030. The final Plan will be presented for review and approval by the Board of Library Trustees in September. The Strategic Plan will then be submitted to the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, the state agency governing libraries in the Commonwealth. 

Thank you for taking the time to participate in the strategic planning process and for sharing your views about the Library as we look to the future!