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***The Library will be CLOSED Wednesday, 4/2 and Thursday, 4/3 ahead of the reopening of the Children’s Room on Saturday, 4/5!***

Exhibits and Display Policy

The Wayland Free Public Library encourages visual arts exhibitions and displays in so far as space permits. In keeping with the library’s role as an educational force in the community, library display areas may also be used for educational and informational exhibitions which may be sponsored by the schools, town departments, agencies and civic organizations.

Three areas in the building are available for exhibits:

1. The main level foyer near the front entrance is a small, well-lit area, conducive to a grouping of art works, maps and similar framed items. A table can be set up for sculpture or models.

2. The lower level has a locked display case built into the wall. It is well lit, contains narrow shelves, and lends itself best to collections of small items.

3. The Raytheon Room is an all-purpose meeting room. It is outfitted with track lights and molding for displaying artwork. Twenty-five to fifty items can be accommodated.

The exhibits are the responsibility of the director, under the supervision of the Board of Trustees. It must be stated that the use by individuals or organizations of the Wayland Library’s facilities for displays and/or exhibits is not a right but a privilege subject to review.

The following conditions prevail:

1. Those interested in using library exhibit space must complete an Exhibit and Display application and acknowledge reading a copy of the Library’s Exhibit Policy. No exhibit can be installed without permission from the Director. In the selection of exhibits, priority is given to Wayland residents or those otherwise connected to the town.

2. Exhibit space is not to be used to advertise commercial enterprises. Fliers and cards accompanying exhibits should be informational in nature and not serve to solicit customers or promote a business. Artist contact information may be included on information materials. No price tags may be placed on art objects. However, a handout listing the items by number with prices is permitted. Those interested in making purchases are asked to contact the artist. Materials exhibited in the library do not necessarily represent the views of the library administration or trustees and exhibition does not imply their endorsement. The library assumes no responsibility for the preservation, protection, or possible damage or theft of any item displayed. All items placed in the library are done so at the owner’s risk. Owners are asked to check their own insurance policies as regards theft. Exhibit areas are not monitored by staff.

3. The Library will publicize exhibits in the library’s monthly newsletter and The Wayland Town Crier. The information provided at the time of application will be used unless otherwise noted by the exhibitor. Any changes to the exhibit title, medium, description or images must be submitted to the Director by the 15th of the month prior to the scheduled exhibit.

4. After the exhibitor has obtained permission for use of the space, it is important that the time for hanging or installing and removing the items are cleared with the Office Manager. Hanging and removing exhibits are the sole responsibility of the exhibitor.

5. No thumbtacks or adhesives may be used on the Raytheon Room walls. All descriptive labels should be affixed to the picture frames, not to the walls. Owners of the items are responsible for hanging their materials. In the Raytheon Room, there are chains with hooks suspended from the molding that can be used for hanging.

Foyer exhibits are generally scheduled for a thirty-day period. New exhibits are mounted on or near the first day of the month and taken down during the last few days. Exhibits in the Raytheon Room and the locked case may be up for a one- or two-month period.

Approved by the Board of Library Trustees 2/26/2020