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***LOUD LIBRARY - Please plan to enjoy a program in the Round Room this evening, 7:00 - 8:30 PM.***

Public Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy

By using any of the Library’s public computers, including those used to access the Internet, computer users agree to adhere to the following safe computing guidelines, as well as the acceptable and unacceptable uses listed below.

Safe Computing

The Library does not monitor any direct electronic communication, such as personal email messages, chat rooms and social networks, on its public computers. Parents and guardians should take precautionary steps and provide appropriate guidance to their children regarding the risks of sharing personal information, such as names, addresses, passwords, telephone numbers and credit card numbers, online. The policy of the Minuteman Library Network (MLN), of which the Library is a member, also states: “It is not acceptable to use the Internet access at MLN terminals for illegal purposes or to transmit threatening, obscene, or harassing materials.” This includes unauthorized access, so-called “hacking” and other unlawful activities online.

The Library adheres to the Minuteman Library Network’s (MLN’s) Internet policy which states: “In accordance with the American Library Association (ALA) Library Bill of Rights and a supplemental document entitled Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks, the Minuteman Library Network does not control or monitor access to material which may be accessible from other Internet sites. Parents may find that some information on the Internet may be unsuitable for their children, or may not reflect their personal values. Parents and guardians, not the library or its staff, are responsible for the information selected and accessed by their children.” Illegal activity and/or violations of the Public Internet Use Policy or other posted Library policies and regulations may result in:

● Suspension of Library privileges or removal from the Library.
● Suspension of Internet use or public computer access.
● Violation of federal, state or local laws may also result in arrest and prosecution.

These privileges may be revoked permanently or for a specified period of time at the discretion of the Library Director. Appeals may be made to the Board of Library Trustees.

Acceptable Use.

Online information resources available on the Internet will be used in a manner consistent with the Library’s educational, informational and recreational mission.

Unacceptable Use

● Unauthorized copying or sharing of copyrighted material in any format.
● Activities that threaten, offend, defame, or harass library patrons or staff.
● Displaying sexually explicit or obscene images or material that disrupts others’ use and enjoyment of the Library, or that might be considered harmful to minors.
● Activities that violate the privacy of others.
● Activities that violate federal, state or local laws.
● Altering, removing, or damaging system settings or configurations, software, or components on the Library’s computers or related equipment.
● Misrepresenting oneself in order to gain unauthorized access to any computer network or system.

Persons who violate the Public Internet Use Policy will receive a verbal warning by a Reference staff member or the most senior Library staff member on duty. If the individual continues to violate the policy and cause disruption, they will be asked to leave the Library and their Library privileges may be suspended.

Public WiFi Use

The Library’s public WiFi connection is an open guest network that is accessible by anyone who wishes to connect to the Internet using their own device or one of the Library’s devices for use in the Library. We strongly advise patrons not to use this network to conduct any banking or other financial transactions or ones that might contain sensitive personal or other confidential information.

Approved by the Board of Library Trustees 10/23/24