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The Board of Library Trustees are presenting Article 11 at Annual Town Meeting on April 7th. Please click here for more information

The purpose of this Policy is to set broad guidelines for the planning and operation of programs and events by staff and community members. Programs are to support the Library’s mission and the goals identified in the Library’s Strategic Plan. Additionally, this policy informs the public about standards and principles that the Wayland Free Public Library applies in the program selection and management process.

Under the authority of the Board of Library Trustees, the Library Director is responsible for implementing this policy in a fair and equitable manner and in delegating program-related responsibilities to staff. The Library Director has the right to select or refuse proposed programs or events from outside individuals; the Library’s agreement to host a program or event is not an endorsement of the program or views expressed by presenters. Throughout this policy, ‘Library’ refers to the Board of Library Trustees, Library Director, and Staff.

Library Mission Statement

The Wayland Free Public Library is dedicated to meeting the diverse needs of the community, blending traditional and innovative library resources, services, and programming.

–Mission statement adopted November 20th, 2024 by the Board of Library Trustees

Program Development

Responsibility for developing Library programs is assigned to a variety of staff members, based on their job responsibilities and expertise, who do so under the direction of the Library Director and Assistant Director. Staff are guided by this policy and utilize professional skills, collections, equipment, and facilities in planning and delivering Library programs.

Programs may include, but will not be limited to: lectures, community forums, visual and performance art, interactive classes or workshops, continuing education, fairs and conventions, discussion groups, technology programs, story times, class visits, library tours, community outreach, exhibits, and presentations for social, cultural, educational, or entertainment purposes.

Programs may take place on-site at the Library, offsite in other locations, or online, and may be delivered by Library staff or Library partners. Programs may be live-streamed or recorded by staff for later playback, either in person or via web-enabled technologies. Anyone interested in presenting a program may submit a proposal that will be reviewed according to this policy’s criteria. The Library reserves the right to decline a program for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, staffing and budgetary constraints, space issues, or conflicts with the date, time, or location.


The Wayland Free Public Library defines a program as an activity or event, intended to meet the educational, social, recreational, cultural or informational needs of an anticipated audience in the community. The Library aspires to provide programs that:

  • Promote the Library’s collections and resources
  • Build relationships in the community
  • Deliver age appropriate and culturally sensitive learning opportunities
  • Create opportunities for collaboration, innovation, and inspiration
  • Reflect and respond to our patrons’ interests and needs


Library staff members use professional knowledge and expertise, library collections, equipment and facilities in developing and delivering programs. The following criteria, in no particular order, are used in making decisions about program topics, speakers and accompanying resources:

  • Relevance to the Library’s mission, strategic plan, and service goals
  • Community needs and interests
  • Potential to promote, supplement, and encourage use of collections and resources
  • Presentation quality
  • Presenter’s background, record of presentation, and qualifications in content area
  • Historical, cultural, or educational significance
  • Space, budget and staff requirements
  • Age appropriateness and treatment of content for intended audience
  • Diversity and balance of current programs being offered at the Library
  • Connection to other community programs, exhibitions or events
  • National, State, and local observances and commemorations


The Library funds its programs using sources such as the Friends of the Wayland Library, the Gossels Fund for Human Dignity, and others. In addition, the Library draws upon community resources in developing programs and attempts to partner with other organizations, institutions, or individuals to offset costs. The Library utilizes various grants to support some program offerings. When holding grant-sponsored programs, staff will adhere to the guidelines of the grant.

All Library programs shall be open to the public, offered free of charge. Donations may be solicited for special events or for fundraising purposes that benefit the Library.


Library programs are non-commercial in nature. Programs are not used for the solicitation of business. Presenters and performers, whether individual or organizational, shall not use a Library program to petition, advertise, or recruit members or customers. While the Library welcomes professional experts to present at its events, Library programs cannot be used to directly further commercial, religious, political, or partisan purposes. Presenters are permitted to have business-related brochures, flyers, or other information available for attendees to pick up if interested. Presenters cannot distribute such materials as part of the event.

A partnership is a relationship between Wayland Free Public Library and an institution, non-profit organization, community group, or individual. These relationships involve an effort to provide and/or promote activities and services for the public. Partnerships can range from a one-time collaboration to a long-term arrangement. The Library welcomes partnerships that promote civic engagement and support its mission and strategic goals, and may choose to co-host programs with these organizations. Partners must comply with all Library policies. Partners that participate in co-hosting a program receive acknowledgement in marketing and PR materials. Library-run programs and events co-hosted with Library partners will have marketing efforts coordinated by assigned Library staff members.

Programs sponsored by the Friends of the Library may include the sale of merchandise as a fundraiser to benefit the Library. Performers or presenters may receive permission to sell their creative works as part of a Library program. Sale of these works and / or other products at Library programs is not permitted unless authorized by the Library Director or designee. Presenters and performers who are willing may donate a copy of their work to the Library for possible inclusion in the collection. Their work will be subject to the Library’s Collection Development Policy.

Intellectual Freedom

The Wayland Free Public Library offers a wide variety of programs to support its mission of providing cultural and learning opportunities to all. The Library respects patrons’ right to freedom of information and adheres to the principles expressed in the American Library
Association’s Library Bill of Rights, and Freedom to Read and Freedom to View statements. With the goal to offer a diversity of ideas and opinions, the Library opposes any attempts by individuals or groups to censor its programs, events, and content offered to the community. The Library is committed to providing inclusive and welcoming programs, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or any other class protected by local, state, and federal law.


All Library programs are open to the public, but some meetings and programs may be designed with specific audiences in mind, such as programs intended for children and teens that are geared to their interests and developmental needs. Adults who wish to attend a program specifically designed for minors must be accompanied by a child. Tween and teen programs are limited to tweens and teens only, except when they require an adult assistant or companion. Programs targeted toward specific audiences are to be publicized as such.
The Library will not act in the role of censor for any age level, program type, or subject matter. Program selection will not be restricted by the possibility that they may be viewed by an unintended audience. Parents and guardians are responsible for their own minor children’s use of the Library at all times.


Every attempt will be made to accommodate all who wish to attend a program either in person or virtually. However, when safety, cost, or the success of a program requires it, attendance may be limited. Admittance will be determined on a first come, first served basis, either through advance registration, or at the door. In no case will attendance at a program be limited because the content of the program may be controversial. The Library reserves the right to deny attendance to anyone becoming disruptive to audience members or the program facilitator, and to anyone in violation of the Library’s Acceptable Patron Behavior Policy.

The Library makes every effort to comply with all applicable laws, including the requirements of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and any state or local disability accessibility guidelines. If a program is held in a location not controlled by the Library, the Library will
ensure that the space is accessible to ensure equal access for library programs. If patrons overflow designated event areas during programs, the Library will protect accessible public spaces (i.e., ramps, pathways, and emergency exit routes) to ensure access and safety.
Reasonable accommodations will be made for those requiring services at Library-initiated programs when needed or requested by patrons. Any individual requiring accommodation to participate in a Library program should contact the Library Director two weeks prior to the program.

Some Library programs may be offered using a Library-approved virtual meeting platform that registered patrons may use to access the virtual program from their own internet-enabled devices. This may include programs that are simultaneously run at the physical Library as well as programs that are offered only virtually. While hosting the virtual program, Library staff, partnering organizations, and program facilitators will follow industry standard best practices for virtual events. Some virtual programs may be pre-recorded and broadcast via the internet or recorded as presented for later viewing. In the event an interactive program is being recorded, attendees will be informed of that fact at the start of the program. Live virtual programs require advance registration. Registered participants will receive via email a link to log on to the program and must not share that link with others. Information collected during the registration
process will be used only to communicate information about that program or to confirm  eligibility to participate in that program.

Patrons attending virtual programs are expected to adhere to the Library’s Acceptable Patron Behavior Policy and failure to do so may result in their immediate removal from said program. The Library will make all reasonable efforts to ensure the digital security of virtual events, however attendees must understand that all online activity carries some degree of risk. Patrons are required to provide their own equipment and internet connection to attend virtual programs. The Library will make a good faith effort to utilize platforms that will be compatible with the widest array of hardware and software, but makes no guarantee that every patron will be capable of accessing every Library program successfully. Nor can the Library guarantee the quality of the audio, video, or internet connection of program presenters or attendees.


Programs may be canceled for a number of reasons, including severe weather, absence of the presenter, or low registration. Canceled programs are not automatically rescheduled. When possible, advanced notification of program cancellations will be made on the Library’s online calendar of events and by other appropriate communication channels.


The Library endeavors to provide programs that reflect the community’s diversity and welcomes patron feedback about its programs, including requests for reconsideration and suggestions for future programs. Wayland residents with concerns about programming should first direct their concerns to staff in charge of the program. If the resident still wishes to pursue the issue they should submit a Request for Reconsideration Form. Such requests are reviewed only when made by a Wayland resident. Library administration will review all submissions and consider them alongside other factors contributing to program development.

Approved by the Board of Library Trustees 8/17/2022